Thursday, December 15, 2011

Go GREEN and SAVE this Christmas!

Instead of spending money on stamps and paper Christmas cards, here are a few of my "Green" tips for the Holidays:

1. Instead of buying wrapping paper, try using Newspapers for Adults & Comics for kids! Look cool and budget friendly!

2. E-Cards!!! Instead of buying expensive Christmas cards and wasting money on stamps, try for FREE e-cards and other fun picture-friendly uses.

3. Re-GIFT! Do yourself a favor and try re-gifting! Re-gifting is a great way to save! If you receive something you really don't need, look for ways you can reuse this gift by passing it on to someone who can use it. Just be sure the product(s) are still in NEW condition...and BE CAREFUL not to give it to the original giver!

4. Home-Made made by the giver are always appreciated because they are made with love! Spend the time and save money by doing simple things like using your know-how whether it be, baking or knitting, writing or art or even music...make your recipient CD of their favorite songs. Or try making a special ornament or a collage of photos! There are so many fun ideas!

Even if you don't have a special talent, try making a gift basket with things you have at home that your recipient may like like hot cocoa or teas...the $1 Tree is my favorite place to pick up little knick-knacks for baskets! Recipes-in-a-bottle like peppermint cocoa or harvest cake, just put it in a jar and tie on the looks cool and is a great green idea!

5. Finally, save on your electric bill this year with LED lights! Yeah, there a bit more costly, but you'll have them for years to come and they're less likely to need a bulb replacement any time soon!

Happy Holidays Dealz Viewers!!! :-)

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