Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hello everyone! I'm back and I have some new news that you can use! It's been over a year since I've started this blog and a lot has changed. I'm married and about to have a baby boy! With that being said, you can plan on expecting even more deals from a vast array of sources. I'll also include my party planning tips and keep you posted on fun local events for couples and families. In an effort to "re-invent" my blog, I will start by introducing you all to a couple of sites I have been addicted to lately.

Some of you may already be aware of these sites, but for those of you that have yet to visit - do so ASAP! Both are simple to join and no fees attached, you simply enter your most current email address and will be sent an email daily of each deal available for purchase. The deals range from mani & pedis and weekend getaways to restuarant vouchers and teeth whitening. Love these sites! Go visit now and post a comment to let me know what you think!

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